
Angela Apeagyei (Micah)

Research Assistant Professor

Angela Apeagyei, PhD, is an Assistant Professor at the Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation (IHME) at the University of Washington. In this role, she co-leads the Development Assistance for Health resource tracking team, which produces global estimates of resource flows from high-income countries to low and middle-income countries aimed at the maintenance and improvement of health. Dr. Apeagyei's research focuses on tracking development assistance for health and evaluating health financing policies in low and middle-income countries.

Dr. Apeagyei holds a PhD in Global Health Management and Policy with specialization in Health Economics from Tulane University's School of Public Health, an M.A. in International and Development Economics from Yale University and a B.A. in Economics from Oberlin College. She is an alumnus of the World Bank Africa Fellowship Program.

IHME was established at the University of Washington in Seattle in 2007. Its mission is to deliver to the world timely, relevant, and scientifically valid evidence to improve health policy and practice.