

Watch the latest videos from IHME, including data stories, events, seminars, and training tutorials.

Q&A: Global obesity and overweight projections to 2050

An independent population health research organization based at the University of Washington School of Medicine, the Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation (IHME) works with collaborators around the world to develop timely, relevant, and scientifically valid evidence that illuminates the state of health everywhere.


Q&A: Oral disorders

Dr. Eduardo Bernabe shares the latest findings on the burden of oral disorders.


Q&A: Epilepsy

Prof. Valery Feigin answers key questions about the latest research on epilepsy.


Q&A: Suicide and self-harm

On average, 1 person dies from suicide every 43 seconds. IHME Research Scientist Gregory Bertolacci shares findings from a new study on global rates of suicide and self-harm, showing the progress made over the past 30 years, but ongoing challenges that remain to be addressed.


Q&A: European life expectancy

IHME Collaborator Dr. Nick Steel, shares the latest findings on life expectancy in Europe. Public policies to address risk factors like high cholesterol and blood pressure will be needed to improve population health.


Q&A: Life expectancy and education in the United States

Dr. Laura Dwyer-Lindgren shares new research on the impact of education on longevity in the US. The study shows that those who have graduated college are expected to live 10.7 years longer on average than those who have not graduated high school.


Q&A: Declining rates of death from diarrheal diseases

Dr. Hmwe Kyu shares findings from the Global Burden of Disease showing that diarrheal diseases are causing fewer deaths than in 1990, but remain a significant burden on children under 5 and elderly populations.


Current state of health in the US

Dr. Christopher Murray shares findings from a series of papers published in The Lancet on US health.


Q&A: Sub-Saharan Africa has achieved great declines in HIV

IHME Research Scientist Austin Carter shares new findings on global infections and deaths from HIV, with sub-Saharan Africa outperforming all other regions in reducing the number of people at risk for acquiring or transmitting the virus.