Watch the latest videos from IHME, including data stories, events, seminars, and training tutorials.Q&A: Life expectancy and education in the United States
Dr. Laura Dwyer-Lindgren shares new research on the impact of education on longevity in the US. The study shows that those who have graduated college are expected to live 10.7 years longer on average than those who have not graduated high school.
Q&A: Global rates of autism spectrum disorders
Dr. Damian Santomauro shares the latest findings on the global burden of autism.
Q&A: Declining rates of death from diarrheal diseases
Dr. Hmwe Kyu shares findings from the Global Burden of Disease showing that diarrheal diseases are causing fewer deaths than in 1990, but remain a significant burden on children under 5 and elderly populations.
Current state of health in the US
Dr. Christopher Murray shares findings from a series of papers published in The Lancet on US health.
Q&A: Which countries are on track to meet global nutrition targets by 2030?
IHME's Dr. Michael Arndt shares the latest findings on global nutrition targets set by the World Health Assembly in 2012.
US burden of disease: future scenarios
Projecting future scenarios of life expectancy and disease burden in the US
The US is falling in global health rankings
Professor Ali Mokdad gives an overview of the burden of disease by US state, highlighting disparities by location and race and ethnicity
Reversing the decline of health in the US
IHME Director Dr. Christopher Murray shares insights from a new series of research articles examining health in the US
Q&A: Sub-Saharan Africa has achieved great declines in HIV
IHME Research Scientist Austin Carter shares new findings on global infections and deaths from HIV, with sub-Saharan Africa outperforming all other regions in reducing the number of people at risk for acquiring or transmitting the virus.
Q&A: The Ten Americas reveal increasing health disparities in the US
Although the US spends more on health than any other country in the world, disparities in health outcomes between different demographics are increasing. Dr. Ali Mokdad explains the latest research using the "Ten Americas" framework to examine health disparities by race, ethnicity, and geography.
Q&A: The epidemic of obesity in the US
IHME's Dr. Marie Ng shares key findings and policy recommendations from our latest research on BMI, overweight, and obesity in the United States.
Q&A: Where do people have the highest and lowest levels of well-being in the US?
IHME Director Dr. Chris Murray discusses our latest research using the Human Development Index (HDI) to measure well-being in the United States.
Q&A: Less than two thirds of countries are on track to prevent stillbirths
Dr. Nick Kassebaum highlights the significant burden of stillbirths and the challenges of gathering accurate data.
Q&A: Risk of pulmonary arterial hypertension increases with age
Dr. Gregory Roth, Director of the Program for Cardiovascular Health Metric at IHME, shares the latest findings on pulmonary arterial hypertension (PAH) from the Global Burden of Disease study.
Roux Prize 2024 Recipient: Community Health Impact Coalition (CHIC) CEO Dr. Madeleine Ballard
On behalf of the Community Health Impact Coalition (CHIC), Dr. Madeleine Ballard, global health leader and CEO of CHIC, is the Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation’s 2024 Roux Prize winner.