
Theo Vos

Professor Emeritus

Highly Cited Researcher 2024, Clarivate

Theo Vos, MD, MSc, PhD, is a key member of the landmark Global Burden of Disease (GBD) study and leads the Non-fatal and Risks Quality Enhancement team, working to improve GBD methods. Of particular interest to Dr. Vos are ways to incorporate more data from clinical sources into analyses, improvements to disability weight measurement and expansion of the data used to produce them, and different ways to optimize the non-fatal modeling process. He is also interested in improving the links between epidemiological data and information on health expenditure. 

Dr. Vos received his PhD from Erasmus University, MSc in Public Health in Developing Countries from the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, and an MD from State University Groningen. Prior to joining IHME, he was a faculty member at the University of Queensland School of Population Health. His involvement with the GBD is longstanding. He was part of the early efforts in creating the original GBD study. He also helped to pioneer country-specific burden studies in Africa. Dr. Vos's earlier leadership efforts included initiating methodological developments to produce estimates for a range of causes including injuries and dementia.