
Account support


We now require registration before you can search and download data. This is new with the Global Burden of Disease Results Tool release in May 2022. We want to make it clear that licensing is required for some organizations.

Commercial users are not covered in the terms of noncommercial use. Commercial users may contact IHME Client Services to discuss licensing options. A license provides the terms and conditions necessary to use IHME data for your business and research needs.

“Commercial use” is any use that supports a for-profit initiative or company, commercial advantage, financial transaction, or monetary compensation.

Account updates

We are iteratively adding functionality to allow users to make changes to their account. Until such functionality is available, contact [email protected] to edit or delete your information.

Benefits of your IHME account

We want to make IHME content and data more relevant to people who use it the most. Over time, we will add features to personalize what you see based on the registration information you provide.


Scientific Publication

Global, regional, and national age-sex-specific burden of diarrhoeal diseases, their risk factors, and aetiologies, 1990–2021, for 204 countries and territories